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الخميس 04 يناير 2024 على الساعة 14:58

كلية الطب والصيدلة وطب الأسنان بفاس.. مباراة توظيف 198 طبيب مقيم

كلية الطب والصيدلة وطب الأسنان بفاس

كلية الطب والصيدلة وطب الأسنان بفاس.. مباراة توظيف 198 طبيب مقيم Nurses and doctors walk in a corridor of the intensive care service of the Ibn Toufail hospital, where people wounded in the bomb attack at the Argana cafe have been admitted, on April 29, 2011. At least six French citizens were among those killed in a bomb attack on a tourist cafe in Morocco and 10 more were wounded, a French government source told AFP on Friday. Earlier, Moroccan authorities had said that in all 16 people were killed in Thursday's blast, which ripped through the crowded eatery on the Jamaa el-Fna, a popular square in the historic city of Marrakesh. AFP PHOTO / ABDELHAK SENNA (Photo by ABDELHAK SENNA / AFP)

تنظم كلية الطب والصيدلة وطب الأسنان بفاس مباراة توظيف 198 طبيبا مقيما.

وأكدت الكلية في إعلانها أن يوم 14 يناير الجاري آخر موعد للتسجيل.

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