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الأربعاء 09 نوفمبر 2022 على الساعة 17:00

مناورات جبل الصحراء.. تدريبات عسكرية مشتركة بين المغرب والمملكة المتحدة (صور)

مناورات جبل الصحراء.. تدريبات عسكرية مشتركة بين المغرب والمملكة المتحدة (صور)

انطلقت قبل أيام مناورات جبل الصحراء العسكرية، التدريبات السنوية التي تجمع الجيشين المغربي والبريطاني نواحي مراكش.

تبادل المهارات

وكشف الجيش البريطاني، في تقرير نشره على موقعه الرسمي، أن “جنودا من قوات الرد العالمية التابعة للجيش البريطاني يضعون مهاراتهم في حروب الصحراء جنبا إلى جنب مع نظرائهم المغاربة في تمرين جبل الصحراء”.

A member of 2 PARA teaches close quarter battle (CQB) tactics to Moroccan soldiers.
Soldiers from the British Army’s global response force are putting their desert warfare skills to the test alongside their Moroccan counterparts.
Exercise Jebel Sahara has seen Colchester-based A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment working in Morocco alongside troops from 2e Brigade d’Infanterie Parachutiste. For the British paratroopers, the three-week-long exercise near Marrakech provides an opportunity to learn from the Moroccan troops’ greater experience of operating in the hot, dry and demanding conditions of the desert. In return, they have shared with the Moroccans their hard-earned skills in patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles; marksmanship; demolitions; and casualty care.
Troops also worked together to hone their fire and manoeuvre tactics on live-fire battle runs, and practised air assault operations from Moroccan helicopters. The exercise culminates in a six-day war game with British and Moroccan troops fighting side-by-side to capture an airstrip to use as a base to launch strike operations from.
Morocco is a long-standing partner for the UK in North Africa, with the first bilateral Exercise Jebel Sahara held in 1989. Training together helps build shared skills and relationships between British and Moroccan troops to improve their ability to operate together in future.

وأوضح المصدر ذاته، أن “التمرين المشترك بين القوات المغربية والبريطانية الذي يستمر ثلاثة أسابيع نواحي مراكش يعد فرصة لتبادل الخبرات بين الجيشين بالنظر إلى العمل في ظروف الصحراء الحارة والجافة والصعبة”.

Medics attached to 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment teach Moroccan soldiers, basic combat medical skills.
Soldiers from the British Army’s global response force are putting their desert warfare skills to the test alongside their Moroccan counterparts.
Exercise Jebel Sahara has seen Colchester-based A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment working in Morocco alongside troops from 2e Brigade d’Infanterie Parachutiste. For the British paratroopers, the three-week-long exercise near Marrakech provides an opportunity to learn from the Moroccan troops’ greater experience of operating in the hot, dry and demanding conditions of the desert. In return, they have shared with the Moroccans their hard-earned skills in patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles; marksmanship; demolitions; and casualty care.
Troops also worked together to hone their fire and manoeuvre tactics on live-fire battle runs, and practised air assault operations from Moroccan helicopters. The exercise culminates in a six-day war game with British and Moroccan troops fighting side-by-side to capture an airstrip to use as a base to launch strike operations from.
Morocco is a long-standing partner for the UK in North Africa, with the first bilateral Exercise Jebel Sahara held in 1989. Training together helps build shared skills and relationships between British and Moroccan troops to improve their ability to operate together in future.

ولفت الجيش البريطاني، إلى أن “التدريبات هي في الواقع لعبة حرب مدتها ستة أيام حيث تقاتل القوات البريطانية والمغربية جنبا إلى جنب للاستيلاء على مهبط طائرات لاستخدامه كقاعدة لشن عمليات هجومية منها”.

Members of 2 PARA in RWMIK vehicles lined up along with Moroccan soldiers in Humvees.
Soldiers from the British Army’s global response force are putting their desert warfare skills to the test alongside their Moroccan counterparts.
Exercise Jebel Sahara has seen Colchester-based A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment working in Morocco alongside troops from 2e Brigade d’Infanterie Parachutiste. For the British paratroopers, the three-week-long exercise near Marrakech provides an opportunity to learn from the Moroccan troops’ greater experience of operating in the hot, dry and demanding conditions of the desert. In return, they have shared with the Moroccans their hard-earned skills in patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles; marksmanship; demolitions; and casualty care.
Troops also worked together to hone their fire and manoeuvre tactics on live-fire battle runs, and practised air assault operations from Moroccan helicopters. The exercise culminates in a six-day war game with British and Moroccan troops fighting side-by-side to capture an airstrip to use as a base to launch strike operations from.
Morocco is a long-standing partner for the UK in North Africa, with the first bilateral Exercise Jebel Sahara held in 1989. Training together helps build shared skills and relationships between British and Moroccan troops to improve their ability to operate together in future.

علاقات إنسانية

وفي تصريح تضمنه البلاغ المنشور على موقع الجيش البريطاني، قال آش نيفي، الضابط القائد في مناورات جبل الصحراء،إن “التمرين هو تطوير لاستعدادنا للعمليات”، مضيفا: “لقد تدربنا على التضاريس الصعبة وغير المألوفة، ومن خلال العمل جنبا إلى جنب مع المغاربة، تعلمنا من تجربتهم في الصحراء وطورنا فهما ثقافيا سيساعدنا في عملنا مع قوات شمال إفريقيا مستقبلا”.

A Moroccan soldier awaits commands from the Range Control Officer.
Soldiers from the British Army’s global response force are putting their desert warfare skills to the test alongside their Moroccan counterparts.
Exercise Jebel Sahara has seen Colchester-based A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment working in Morocco alongside troops from 2e Brigade d’Infanterie Parachutiste. For the British paratroopers, the three-week-long exercise near Marrakech provides an opportunity to learn from the Moroccan troops’ greater experience of operating in the hot, dry and demanding conditions of the desert. In return, they have shared with the Moroccans their hard-earned skills in patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles; marksmanship; demolitions; and casualty care.
Troops also worked together to hone their fire and manoeuvre tactics on live-fire battle runs, and practised air assault operations from Moroccan helicopters. The exercise culminates in a six-day war game with British and Moroccan troops fighting side-by-side to capture an airstrip to use as a base to launch strike operations from.
Morocco is a long-standing partner for the UK in North Africa, with the first bilateral Exercise Jebel Sahara held in 1989. Training together helps build shared skills and relationships between British and Moroccan troops to improve their ability to operate together in future.

وفي شهادة أخرى، قال الكابورال بول بورنيل، إنه “من المثير للاهتمام دائما القدوم إلى بلد وبيئة مختلفة للعمل مع جيوش الدول الأخرى، ذلك أنه لاختبار التحديات المختلفة، والتعرف على كيفية عمل شركائنا ومشاركة المهارات”.

A member of 2 PARA gives a debrief after a practical demonstration in vehicles.
Soldiers from the British Army’s global response force are putting their desert warfare skills to the test alongside their Moroccan counterparts.
Exercise Jebel Sahara has seen Colchester-based A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment working in Morocco alongside troops from 2e Brigade d’Infanterie Parachutiste. For the British paratroopers, the three-week-long exercise near Marrakech provides an opportunity to learn from the Moroccan troops’ greater experience of operating in the hot, dry and demanding conditions of the desert. In return, they have shared with the Moroccans their hard-earned skills in patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles; marksmanship; demolitions; and casualty care.
Troops also worked together to hone their fire and manoeuvre tactics on live-fire battle runs, and practised air assault operations from Moroccan helicopters. The exercise culminates in a six-day war game with British and Moroccan troops fighting side-by-side to capture an airstrip to use as a base to launch strike operations from.
Morocco is a long-standing partner for the UK in North Africa, with the first bilateral Exercise Jebel Sahara held in 1989. Training together helps build shared skills and relationships between British and Moroccan troops to improve their ability to operate together in future.

وعن العلاقات الإنسانية بين الجيشين، قال الكابورال بورنيل: “تجمعنا علاقة جيدة حقا بيننا وبين الجنود المغاربة. كنا نلعب كرة القدم معا ويتحدث معظمهم اللغة الإنجليزية ، لذلك تمكنا من التحدث عن حياتنا ومهننا “.